Your Wild Child

“Unleash your inner child, be a little wild.” ― Laura E. Brusseau Do you remember being 10 years old? I do. I posed for this picture on Thanksgiving Day at my Grandparents’ home. I also remember the surprised look on my Uncle Fred’s face as he...

New Year Vision Planning Complete

That’s a wrap!  I just completed a 20-page personal manifesto and timeline for my 2022 goals, vision board, and theme for the year.  I feel whole and in control.  It’s your turn!  We have a major snowstorm brewing across the nation.  I say it’s the...

Being Fearless

Fear. It’s an inevitable topic of discussion that comes up during coaching.  Sometimes, right out of the gate with hands being thrown up in the air exclaiming, “I can’t get past my fears!”   Other times, it’s more subtle captured in the eyes with a downward glance or...

Is it Time to Leap?

Does this sound like your current job?  You aren’t exactly happy, but you aren’t unhappy enough to do anything about it?  Studies show that approximately 70% of people agree.  Standing in between misery and bliss is officially called “being in a rut”.   While it may...

Seeking Career Clarity?

Countless people in their 30s, 40s and beyond have told me, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up?” Nervous laughter usually follows – on their end. Even so, it’s a very serious question not to be taken lightly. Most find it difficult to answer my question,...
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