Why Bother: Discover the Desire for What’s Next,  by author Jennifer Louden is a must-read book on my summer recommendation list for you.  The timing couldn’t be more perfect to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get shit done take no prisoners!

COVID-19 is relentless, millions unemployed, a reckoning for social injustice, businesses tanked, and lives lost.  Did I miss anything?  Perhaps you too are feeling waves of grief and anxiety, and find yourself asking, ‘why bother?’

Rather than ask why bother, how about ‘why not reboot?’

Rarely do I lie down in the dirt and weep, rarely.  But I’ll be honest.  I did a time or two, three, or four this year.  And then I hit reboot in a major way.  Sold a house, packed a house, bought a house, moved across the country during a Pandemic, survived a 500-year flood, and now I’m up to my eyeballs in a major home renovation – all three levels of a split level, mid-century ranch – with walls coming down!  This, in the span of 3 months with a fury I’ve never witnessed in myself.  COVID has transformed my life in a way that I never saw coming.

How about you?  Why Bother or Why not Reboot?  It’s your choice, my beautiful friend.  Transformation awaits you.  I’d love to hear your stories of overcoming the seemingly impossible and how it’s made you a stronger version of yourSELF.

The courage to continue before the face of despair is the recognition that in those eyes of darkness we find our own night vision. ~ Terry Tempest Williams, When Women Were Birds

Check out my upcoming virtual programs (click here)guaranteed to help you reboot in ways that will delight and surprise you beyond your imagination! I’m hopeful that 2020 will prove to be our biggest year of transformation yet.

Why not reboot, indeed!

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