Regardless of the type of organization you work at, you will likely find core values and/or a mission statement visible on the walls. But does your organization have an impact manifesto? The word “impact” sounds powerful, even if you utter it under your breath. That’s because working intentionally to deliver impact is powerful.

I’m a fortunate soul. My vocation as a career coach has me guiding others on a daily basis. In fact, doing purposeful work was the primary driver in my transformative career switch from accounting to counseling in 2012. The former was lacking significantly in the impact arena. Since my soul was melting into a puddle on the floor, I decided to change course. Pursuing impactful work that I’m passionate about has been one of the best decisions of my life. The sacrifices are worth it; the rewards are tremendous. It’s what I wish for you.

Fast forward to the present day. Immersed in the belief that I had been making a significant impact through my work, I received a wakeup call. Don’t you just love those?

“To those who are given much, much is expected.” – Maya Angelou

I recently attended a talk led by the founder of Work Alchemy, Ursula Jorch. She challenged us to make an even bigger impact on our work, community, and the world. Jorch posed three simple questions to gut check the level of impact we’re personally and professional making.

  1. How can you make a bigger impact inside of your business?
  2. How can you and/or your business make a bigger impact serving the community?
  3. How can you and/or your business make a global impact?

These are great starters for a strategic planning session leaning in at the table for your business, with a team or just you.

I’m not suggesting you leave your current employer.  However, you must live your life with intention.  Chances are if you are reading this article you are well educated with special talents and abilities.  You can find ways to be impactful outside of your employment.  In fact, you should.  You have an obligation to do so.

It doesn’t have to cost a cent but it will cost your time, energy, and pieces of your heart. Volunteer in your community, mentor, donate your services, or raise a phenomenal child who clearly will save the world. (Well, the latter will cost you boatloads of money and your entire heart; I lied.)

Be honest: Not everyone has had the opportunities that you’ve had. It’s your duty to give back and make a difference. We need you. You can do more. Begin today.


To find more information on designing your own Impact Manifesto, download The Impact Manifesto and nab other free resources, visit

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