The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions you ask yourself. Questions have tremendous power. If you want better answers for your life, ask better questions. – Kobi Yamada, author, Ever Wonder
It was December 2004 in Chicago; I was shopping with my mother and best friend in tow when suddenly she surprised me with a gift. Giggling, she handed me a book that she purchased behind my back while I was looking at woolen mittens. I remember the mittens because I was freezing – think Chicago. Winter.
At the time, not only was I cold but I was also struggling to define who I was longing to be. The book, Ever Wonder, helped me beyond measure and taught me a powerful lesson, which is this;
When in discovery mode, learn to ask great questions. Well-crafted questions can stimulate, draw out and guide discussion. Every question you ask should help you either gather facts or an opinion. This from me who is unofficially, “The Queen of Asking Tough Questions.”
Choice Questions include;
- Are you the type of person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life?
- Are you living a life of action or reaction?
- Do you have enough risks in your life to stay alive?
- Is it true that you have to see it to believe it, or rather, do you have to believe it before you can see it?
- Have you begun today what you wish to be tomorrow?
Hear me, these are the type of questions to ask yourself, rather than senseless questions like, “Am I good enough?” Yawn. Let’s commit to stop asking senseless questions in 2017, deal?
Ever Wonder, by Kobi Yamada, is a unique book of questions that raises our awareness of our own self-talk and points us toward life-enriching changes. My dear reader, are you wondering? Please don’t ever stop. Your life will thank you immensely for it.
Stay warm and curious my friend.