If you experience the Imposter Syndrome because you’re doing well, it means you think success is for other people but not you. Stop telling yourself that lie.

More times than not, I’ve noticed when someone lands the job offer, wins a promotion or is granted an incredible opportunity, they seem shocked. After realizing their success, they freak out and start questioning their ability to deliver on their skills. Now {bleeping} what?

The Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud.” While it’s commonly thought this applies to most women, recent studies show men equally experience this phenomenon. Men just don’t vocalize their feelings as much. Surprise, it’s genderless.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like an imposter. Honestly, everyone does at some point in our career; young professionals, seasoned leaders, and bigwigs. It’s common for anyone who is reaching for the next level. The key is to recognize your crippling behaviors, feel the self-deprecating emotion and then crush it.

Here are four tips to help you overcome feeling unworthy:

1. Own your success: Stop downplaying past successes. Recognize and attribute them to your hard work. It’s not being in the ‘right place at the right time’ or knowing the right people. It’s your talent and tenacity that got you here.

2. Reduce procrastination: Fear of failure sits at the core of procrastination, not laziness. Having a detailed, action plan breaking up tasks into manageable pieces and deadlines will help alleviate fears and propel you forward.

3. Challenge perfectionism: While incredibly high standards produce exceptional results, it also brings intense stress and pressure. Stop micromanaging yourself and work on setting realistic standards, rather than superhuman. Knock it off already.

4. Talk to others: Having a support network is critical. Speak up to someone you trust when you don’t understand something or have made a mistake. Peers and friends can help you feel normal, boost your confidence and share lessons that they’ve learned along the way.

We both know the success you’ve achieved isn’t because of luck. You’ve worked hard and crushed your goals. As my wonderful mentor, Terry Duperon, told me, “Don’t be the one thing that stands in your own way. Nothing can stop you, but you.”

Stop lying to yourself. Yes, you are THAT good.

For more support on increasing your confidence and whipping the Imposter Syndrome check out these books: Presence: Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges, by Amy Cuddy and The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, by Valerie Young

Resource: National Career Development Association, Winter 2018, Volume 35, 1

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