“You should be startled, and quite often, that’s how transformation happens.” – Beth Bryce
Have you noticed, temperatures are a tad cooler in the evening, perfect for sleeping. Pumpkin spice everything is hitting the grocery shelves. Hey, wouldn’t it be great if pumpkin was the cure for all illnesses? Instead of a flu shot, give me a shot of pumpkin, HA!
Pumpkin aside, the reason why fall is my favorite season…it’s time to SHED. Leaves, old dreams, things that keep us stuck, tired excuses, and too much fluff. The dog days of summer are slipping by, and it’s officially time to hunker down, grab a sweater, a pen, and a notebook.
Get curious and serious about designing your next chapter…your best chapter yet.
Here’s what I know, waiting for a green light to live is the wrong approach. I’m tired of swimming in molasses, feeling stalled and waiting on ‘someday.’ Someday is here. I’m putting 2020 in my rearview mirror and gearing up for a MAGNIFICENT 2021 of my design!
So fast forward, seeking creative inspiration, I enjoyed an afternoon with Julia Cameron last Saturday, where she read poetry, sang, and shared profound wisdom. One in particular, “Recognize your mood and enter it like you are stepping into a room.” Quickly I acknowledged my feelings, embraced them, and asked myself deep questions. It spurred serious reflection, journaling and, even better, taking massive action.
And this is the beauty of The Artist’s Way. Test drive an assignment (you know how much I love to give homework):
Pull out a sheet of paper and number from 1-15.
Complete the sentence, 1. I WISH…
2. I WISH…
3. I WISH…repeat, to 15
Sit back and look at your answers; what startles you? Do you see any patterns? Circle your top 3 wishes.
What is one small step you can take with each wish? Start today. You’re welcome!
Join me in 2021 for one of my upcoming Artist’s Way programs. Don’t delay, we are half sold out at this point! My friend, you should be startled, and quite often, that’s how transformation happens many times, with a simple question.
“Writing is a form of prayer.”―Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way